Reddit热议:仓库全是上锁箱子 还能不能愉快地开箱了
I'm starting to getting tired about this 我已经厌倦这些上锁箱子了
I'm starting to getting tired about this
[–]Demacian_Beyblade 607 指標 1 天前
Made me lose all respect for the developers and all my friends feel the same. Dont run a free to play model on a game that I paid for. Make the game free or the chests free.
[–]MoofMilked 145 指標 1 天前
Same. To add to the fire...they need to fix the server busy errors. If you pay for a game, they need to let you in to play it. A server error here or there is understandable but busy servers has been a long running issue.
[–]PetyrBaelish 27 指標 1 天前
the server errors are worse than ever.
[–]frankierabbit 2 指標 1 天前
I think paid chests are fine, as long as you don’t have to buy a key after getting a free chest and most of the chests are like that and it’s absolutely stupid...
[–]AwesomeExo 217 指標 1 天前
If they are gonna keep up with this shitty reward system at least make it possible to get free keys as a reward.
[–]dummdumm92 57 指標 1 天前
You get one key per dinner. I’d be fine with that.
[–]m--ampa 105 指標 1 天前
I wouldnt. Gives cheaters a real reason to hack
[–]dummdumm92 10 指標 1 天前
Ah. Forgot about the cheaters.
[–]solo-unicorn 102 指標 1 天前*
I stopped playing when they introduced paid chests. How can the company/developers focus on cosmetic items when there is so much other stuff in the game that needs fixing.
[–]WalterBFinch 54 指標 1 天前
The way pubg is doing it is going to kill their game.
[–]J0rdnn 23 指標 1 天前
You can't kill what is already dead
[–]kunisada9 66 指標 1 天前
I opened one chest and it had a shitty shirt I already had. Now I have about 20 locked chests I'll sell at $0.03