

08月16日 15:21





  Tencent acquires stake in Bluehole, secures strategic partnership for global expansion



  [–]shadycharacter2 542 points 1 day ago

  region lock incoming


  [–]YeeBoi99 338 points 1 day ago

  This is big. Tencent are serious about what they’re doing. Although only equaling to 10% of Bluehole’s stock, I feel like the more they get involved with the game, the brighter the outlook for PUBG will be.


  [–]bludgeonerV 75 points 1 day ago

  They started off with a small stake in GGG too, now they basically own the entire company, but in that case PoE has been able to throw more money at development than ever and the result is pretty mind blowing so far, so if they do end up positioning themselves for a total buyout it might work out for the best.


  [–]OhGodImHerping 8 points 1 day ago

  I feel like one day I'm gonna wake up to "Tencent buys 10% stake in Nintendo" or something.

  照这样下去,感觉有一天我醒来会收到 “腾讯收购任天堂10%的股份”之类的新闻


  [–]Samadams9292 54 points 1 day ago

  What does this mean?


  [–]kiardo 136 points 1 day ago

  hopefully it means, Tencent can be allowed to open servers within china to cope with the player population, rather than Chinese players being dependent on other regional servers. the Chinese government is very strict when it comes to opening servers within the country. if not, we can kind of hope to see a lot more features, updates coming with the helping hand on Tencent.


  [–]WhatSawp 106 points 1 day ago

  Riot and Bluehole fusion incoming:)


  [–]DatGuy-x- 161 points 1 day ago

  maybe Tencent can send over some competent developers.


  [–]One_Erection_ 50 points 1 day ago edited 1 day ago

  Oh I think they will. I’m pretty sure they will do whatever it takes to make more money through actually making the game great. They have the money and the people to do it.


  [–]PascalMrHi23 47 points 1 day ago

  Even though it might be beneficial to the game, Tencent is kinda scary and I’d like to have the least contact with it as possible.


  [–]InclusivePhitness 5 points 1 day ago

  Called this a long time ago. They were smart not to needlessly throw random money into random parts of the game. Smart to monetize quickly and setup a sustainable platform for the game.

  Good thing good business people are running things and not fifteen year olds.



  [–]entmooter2 2 points 1 day ago

  Shame they didn’t buy the whole lot from bluehole.
